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Hospitality Hygiene Guide

Creating Cleaner, More Hygienic Lodging Spaces

As the hospitality industry continues to adjust to the new normal, prioritizing hygiene to help ensure the well-being of your hotel staff and guests is more important than ever. Kimberly-Clark Professional is here to help with tips, tools, and solutions to prepare your property for new hygiene standards.
Hotel lobby and front desk

Creating Cleaner, More Hygienic Lodging Spaces

As the hotel industry continues to enhance its hygiene protocol due to the pandemic, following are specific actions you can take to help reduce the spread of germs throughout your property.
Hand soap pump bottle line drawing

Frequent hand-washing and greater surface hygiene.

Hand-washing reminders for employees and guests, along with increased, effective surface cleaning and disinfecting.

Apple line drawing

New protocols for food service and other guest services.

Following FDA guidance, reducing in-person contact and minimizing dining items.

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Social distancing and general face protection.

Includes appropriate wearing of face masks as needed.

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New standards for fitness centers and other amenities.

Following CDC guidance for best practices on cleaning and physical distancing.

Black outline of stop hand signal

Touchless technology and processes where possible.

Use of voice-activated commands, sensor activation and doors without handles.

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Revamping event and conference protocols.

Considering teleconferencing options and safety measure like social distancing.

Products to Help You Plan, Prepare and Protect

Kimberly-Clark Professional offers a full range of products, including touchless dispensers, designed to help hotel staff and guests reduce cross-contamination and maximize hygiene compliance throughout your property.

Chat with Our Experts

Complete the form below, and a Kimberly-Clark Professional Hygiene Consultant will contact you within two business days to help you get started on identifying critical areas for upgrades, and the right germ-fighting solutions for your facility.

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